Apopis Factor

What is touched upon in this sphere of Ancient Egyptian knowledge has a direct bearing on the security of the individual, moving along the path of self-cognition and the very foundations of his or her spiritual and ethical doctrines.

For us, who have forgotten our sources, the knowledge described below plays a decisive role.

Before touching the ancient knowledge it is necessary to make following principal note:

Having out of spiritual laziness entrusted that which each of us should do and perceive for ourselves to «spiritual mentors» who have "dumbed down" for general consumption the surviving fragments of knowledge, reducing them to the absurd, humanity provoked a chain of events the nature of which people cannot immediately recognize.

Already in the not too distant future many existing teachings will become entirely discredited and humanity will begin to fall into another profound spiritual stupor the path out from which will be long and painful.

Responsibility for this sits squarely on the shoulders of that portion of self-assured humanity who, while striving for spiritual growth, paid no heed to the important warnings left in deep antiquity.

Unbeknown to themselves all practitioners have found themselves face to face with a danger that they still cannot see, but that has already entered their lives with the blessing of the teachers they revere.

Some of the «advanced» have already paid a heavy price without even having had time to understand what happened to them.

The same fate lies in store for all the rest, especially the most fanatically-minded disciples.
The factor of the cosmic Law



Several sections of The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day contain texts that point to the existence of factors regulating certain aspects of the daily existence of the Creator and the human being that is a projection «constructed» in accordance with a genetic code shared with the Creator. This applies first and foremost to the process of cognition.

At the centre of the Ancient Egyptian spiritual world view lay the «The boat of millions of years» containing the «great nine gods» headed by Ra who created himself out of Nun, (primordial energy). The voyage of the «gods in the boat of Ra» symbolizes the process of cognition.

«The boat of millions of years» or
«The boat of Ra»

On their way from «Darkness to Light» (along the path of cognition and self-perfection) a number of dangers lie in wait for Ra and all the good spirits.

These dangers are embodied by gigantic serpents, the chief of which is called Apopis .

Constantly at hand, Apopis symbolizes the age-old threat hanging above the boat and its crew.

Let us briefly examine the meaning of this image and the logic in the presentation of the priestly message (warning) it contains.

The Boat of Ra followed by Apopis

In depicting Apopis as a symbol of the force hostile to Ra, the priests were making a very important warning about the existence of the Law as a special characteristic of nature surrounding Ra.

If we bear in mind that the environment through which the boat is sailing is the body of Ra, then Apopis is a manifestation of a higher «supra-universal» Law.

The snake is its envoy, monitoring all stages of Ra's voyage.

Only wisdom in the guise of Djhuty, (Thoth), who is present in the boat, and strict observation of the law in the guise of Ma'at make the onward journey possible.

Any breach of the Law and Apopis will swallow Ra (the human being) proceeding «from Darkness to Light».

Book of Gates, second division, third hour, middle register, Bark of Ra.

Judging by the meaning of the texts, in one of its hypostases Apopis symbolizes the Law of some supra-universal nature, observance of which makes the voyage of Ra's boat possible.

In another Apopis is the personification of the immune system of nature, the properties and logic of which "Ra and all good souls" perceive and need to consider as they move «from Darkness to Light».

NU in the boat of RA (Sun). Vignette from papyrus of NU

If we remember that the ultimate goal of the pharaoh or priest was to soar up to heaven and there, in the endless expanse of stars, to sail together with the sun-god Ra on the «Boat of millions of years», then this is a direct indication that the Law whose envoy Apopis is, also applies to human beings, since the immune system of the person is a projection of the immune system of the Universe that is the body of the Creator.

First and foremost, the warning subtly expressed by the priests in the image of Apopis applies to that portion of humanity that is fanatically obsessed with the evolution of awareness, the development of its of energy and the growth of its own abilities through various practices creating special states of consciousness and tapping into the flows of «cosmic energy».

Entering into interaction with energies of a higher order, a person without being aware of it becomes a carrier of those energies. Those energies gradually begin to reorganize the person's energy system.

Vignette depickting god, surrounded by Apopis.

Gods of 12th KERERET in Duat.
Part V.

As a result, on a genetic level mutational processes are initiated in the person that are accompanied by a transition of the person's energy system to the next evolutionary level.

This process that is impossible to control mentally by any kind of effort of will was a particular concern for the priests of ancient times.

The core of the matter is that the beginning of the transformation (mutation) processes that accompany the reorganization and formation of a new energy system will always pass through a phase of spontaneous cell division in the organism.

Medically this process is known as cancer.

To explain mechanism of this mutational transformation lets focus on one of the most important aspects of this process.

As soon as a person, whether through meditation or visiting "places of power" enters an energy flow, this immediately causes a slowing of their inner biological time.

Human organism is very complicated mechanism, in which most important function belongs to local field of time.

Any disorder in the organism is the result of disruptions of the flows of time in a cell, organ or bodily system in relation to one another, to some general biological clock in the organism and the environment.

When an ancient source speaks of the need to harmonize the Yin-Yang or Ka-Ba (to use the Ancient Egyptian terms), the reference is to the harmonization of these two (contrary) flows of time and their synchronization with the fields of time of the Earth.

The effect will be accompanied by a general improvement of condition, increased energy levels, a heightening of extrasensory abilities, occasionally the appearance of clairvoyance or other exceptional skills.

If the person were to remain permanently in the flow, their abilities and longevity would amaze everyone around. But the problem is that as soon as the person comes out of meditation or leaves the place of power (gets out of the flow), it is only a matter of time before the immune system "recoils", a process marked by an abrupt acceleration of the biological time that for many can cause the appearance of atypical cells and the start of an oncological process.

That switches on the process of creation of new energy system by the way of suppression and structural reconstruction (rebuilding) of the former one.

Indicative in this context is a statistical analysis of the consequences of the influence on the organism of those energies with which a person interacts when practising as a healer.

The results of an analysis carried out by specialists from the Russian Academy of National Security proved astonishing.

Within 7 to 10 years of graduating from a school of healing, about 70% of diplomaed specialists actively and honestly engaged in healing practice died of oncological diseases.

Only in the autumn of 2005 the number of sick with oncological diseases in Viacheslav Bronnikov school, developing clairvoyance and actively promoted not only in Russia, but also all over the world, reached 11 persons among experts, whose teaching experience was about 10 years!

This applies not only to healers and psychics, but also to the ideological leaders of spiritual and esoteric schools.

It was shocking to learn that such well known and acknowledged authorities as Sri Djuddu Krishnamurti, Romana Maharishi, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, Madame Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Vanga, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), Castaneda and many others also succumbed to cancer.

Ignorance of the Law evidently does not free human beings from the requirement to observe it, be they even Ra himself!

Against this background we begin to understand the origin of the inner blocking mechanism that appears in many people who take an interest in esoteric practices but move on in time, and also the outright negative attitude of the Orthodox Church to occult sciences, the cognition of supernatural forces, astral practices and working with subtle energies.

The roots of this non-acceptance lie in the ancient priestly warning that found reflection in one of the episodes of the Bible story.

After Adam and Eve, at the prompting of the «serpent», tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge, God banished them from paradise, making them mortal.

We have already mentioned that in the ancient philosophical world view the voyage of «the gods in the boat of Ra» symbolized the process of cognition.

It follows that the process of gaining knowledge is good, but from the biblical account it emerges that nonetheless there is something not quite right about cognition, because God became angry.

Otherwise why were Adam and Eve permitted to eat the fruits of all the trees growing in the Garden of Eden except those of the Tree of Knowledge?

Our view of this at first sight ambiguous biblical episode is changed in the light of the warning left by the priests.

Moving without awareness along the path of knowledge brings harm not only from an ethical perspective.

Entry into the higher energy spheres during the exploration of occult sciences and to a large extent blind following of the paths of esotericism induces in a person something that if he or she is ignorant and unprepared will lead to death.

The appearance of a cancer is the reaction of a person's immune system to the inner energy reconstruction that arises from interaction with energies of a higher order.

In this instance the immune system begins to manifest itself in an unexpected light. Reacting to changes in a person's energy stock, the immune system launches a program directed towards self-destruction of the organism, if the genetic peculiarities of the energy bodies are not taken into account in the process of developing abilities.

This unavoidable finale (factor) lying in wait for all those who embark on the path of self-perfection is the essence of the priestly warning embodied in Apopis, a warning of the existence of a Law that needs to be considered when moving along the path of knowledge.

A dire outcome is inevitable unless a person knows of the Apopis factor (the Law) and possesses the technology to stabilize (control) the ongoing process.

The practices carried out in the temple complexes and pyramids were a central element in the programme of spiritual transformation for a priest or pharaoh and carried in them a mighty potential of energy.

The energy obtained during the practices evoked profound changes in a person's energy structure and had to be stabilized by being converted into an energy acceptable to the person's energy structure.

The transformation of the energy received took place at a very profound internal energy level in the process of synchronizing the individual's energy system with that of the mother organism, the Earth.

Papyrus NU Nu is driving away Apopis having Wand of Horus in his left hand

It was to tackle this exceptionally important task that the ancient priests used the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids.
The idea of creating the latter was suggested to them by a civilization at a higher level of development, undoubtedly of cosmic origin as the likelihood of earthlings discovering these mechanisms by empirical methods is extremely small.

This is the field which contains the main idea behind the construction of the pyramids and the use of the «Wands of Horus».

They were created to stabilize the energies with which a person interacted in order to avoid cancer (to subdue Apopis).

And all the therapeutic properties that the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramid have are an accompanying effect.

The priests of ancient times were fairly healthy people, and in creating and using the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids they were pursuing other, more important ends.

Book of Gates, second division (P)-third hour (H), scenes 9, 11, 13- gods in shrines, solar bark, Atum subduing Apopis

The function of the «Wands of Horus» goes far beyond the uses that have currently been mastered. The fact that the Wands are the commonest attribute found in statues of the pharaohs and priests of Ancient Egypt is a direct indication that they were an item of the greatest possible significance.

Statues of pharaohs holding «Wands of Horus»

Anticipating a polemic on the material just presented, we reiterate that there is no other technology for tackling such a serious task.

No meditative, praying or energy-informational safety techniques can help here.

It is important to note that stabilization of the energy potential with the aid of the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids evokes a slowing of auto-immune processes (by harmonization of contrary flows of time in organism [correction of BA-KA]).

In other words, before and after their practices Egyptian prists used special tools, to control the flow of inner biological time, to help immune system work as the one with immune system of the Earth.

As a result, systematic use of the «Wands of Horus» and the energy of the pyramids has a positive influence not only on health, but also on longevity.

Indirectly this is alluded to in the ancient texts which tell us that before the flood people lived for centuries, drawing health from "the source of the waters of life" that was the pyramids and the bio-stimulator we know as the «Wands of Horus». Hence the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids can be used as a prophylactic measure, a means of protecting against cancer.

In another words, those who is using wands on systematic bases, taking in account all details will never get cancer.

Practical scientific experiments have confirmed this deduction.

When a cancer sufferer remained within a pyramid field (the inner field) for twelve days on end, a noticeable retardation of the disease process, an improvement in general condition and significant reduction in tumour surface formations was observed.

A retardation of auto-immune processes can also be observed following systematic use of the «Wands of Horus». (See the section on Some Results of Research into the Effects of the «Wands of Horus» and the section on Cancer in the instructions for the use of the «Wands of Horus».)

The conclusions drawn from the analysis of texts and images are obvious and call into doubt the reputation of the schools of "cosmo-energetics" and other trends throughout the world that do not recognize the danger that has entered the lives not only of the "adepts" of the doctrines listed above, but also the lives of those they instruct, people who have no idea of the ancient warning and not a thought for the threat hanging over them.

That is the reason why the «Wands of Horus» and the energy of the pyramids were an inseparable part of life for priests and pharaohs, who were never parted from them.

They used them to correct the consequences of sun storms and magnetic storms, stabilize energy processes and synchronize their own energy systems with that of the Earth.

With these tools the priests could pass through the «boundary of death» and develop exceptional abilities without damaging their health.

Following the advice of the priests, those now working with subtle energies should immediately begin to use the proper tools («Wands of Horus» and pyramids) to stabilize their energy potential.

This will not only allow them to avert the onset of undesirable consequences, but also to raise the results of their practical and meditative activities to a higher level.

Having read the warning left us by the priests of Ancient Egypt, the specialists of the Academy for the National Security of Russia consider it vital to pass on that knowledge to the broad masses of interested people.

Despite the fact that an extremely important natural phenomenon has been identified, about which our distant ancestors warned us across the ages, we anticipate that some people's reaction will be aggressive disagreement.

Well, having warned our readers who are on the path of self-discovery about the consequences of practices that do not take into account the peculiarities of the human energy system, we uphold the right of those who dispute our reasoning to experience the Apopis factor for themselves.

From the moment they read this material the responsibility for ignoring the warning rest squarely with them.

What is touched upon in this sphere of Ancient Egyptian knowledge has a direct bearing on the security of the individual, moving along the path of self-cognition and the very foundations of his or her spiritual and ethical doctrines.

For us, who have forgotten our sources, the knowledge described below plays a decisive role.

Before touching the ancient knowledge it is necessary to make following principal note:

Having out of spiritual laziness entrusted that which each of us should do and perceive for ourselves to "spiritual mentors" who have "dumbed down" for general consumption the surviving fragments of knowledge, reducing them to the absurd, humanity provoked a chain of events the nature of which people cannot immediately recognize.

Already in the not too distant future many existing teachings will become entirely discredited and humanity will begin to fall into another profound spiritual stupor the path out from which will be long and painful.

Responsibility for this sits squarely on the shoulders of that portion of self-assured humanity who, while striving for spiritual growth, paid no heed to the important warnings left in deep antiquity.

Unbeknown to themselves all practitioners have found themselves face to face with a danger that they still cannot see, but that has already entered their lives with the blessing of the teachers they revere.

Some of the "advanced" have already paid a heavy price without even having had time to understand what happened to them.

The same fate lies in store for all the rest, especially the most fanatically-minded disciples.

The factor of the cosmic Law


Several sections of The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day contain texts that point to the existence of factors regulating certain aspects of the daily existence of the Creator and the human being that is a projection «constructed» in accordance with a genetic code shared with the Creator.

This applies first and foremost to the process of cognition.

At the centre of the Ancient Egyptian spiritual world view lay the «The boat of millions of years» containing the «great nine gods» headed by Ra who created himself out of Nun, (primordial energy).

The voyage of the "gods in the boat of Ra" symbolizes the process of cognition.

«The boat of millions of years» or «The boat of Ra»
On their way from «Darkness to Light» (along the path of cognition and self-perfection) a number of dangers lie in wait for Ra and all the good spirits.

These dangers are embodied by gigantic serpents, the chief of which is called Apopis.

Constantly at hand, Apopis symbolizes the age-old threat hanging above the boat and its crew.

Let us briefly examine the meaning of this image and the logic in the presentation of the priestly message (warning) it contains.

The Boat of Ra followed by Apopis
In depicting Apopis as a symbol of the force hostile to Ra, the priests were making a very important warning about the existence of the Law as a special characteristic of nature surrounding Ra.

If we bear in mind that the environment through which the boat is sailing is the body of Ra, then Apopis is a manifestation of a higher «supra-universal» Law. The snake is its envoy, monitoring all stages of Ra's voyage.

Only wisdom in the guise of Djhuty, (Thoth), who is present in the boat, and strict observation of the law in the guise of Ma'at make the onward journey possible.

Any breach of the Law and Apopis will swallow Ra (the human being) proceeding «from Darkness to Light».

Book of Gates, second division, third hour, middle register, Bark of Ra.
Judging by the meaning of the texts, in one of its hypostases Apopis symbolizes the Law of some supra-universal nature, observance of which makes the voyage of Ra's boat possible.

In another Apopis is the personification of the immune system of nature, the properties and logic of which «Ra and all good souls» perceive and need to consider as they move «from Darkness to Light».

NU in the boat of RA (Sun). Vignette from papyrus of NU
If we remember that the ultimate goal of the pharaoh or priest was to soar up to heaven and there, in the endless expanse of stars, to sail together with the sun-god Ra on the «Boat of millions of years», then this is a direct indication that the Law whose envoy Apopis is, also applies to human beings, since the immune system of the person is a projection of the immune system of the Universe that is the body of the Creator.

First and foremost, the warning subtly expressed by the priests in the image of Apopis applies to that portion of humanity that is fanatically obsessed with the evolution of awareness, the development of its of energy and the growth of its own abilities through various practices creating special states of consciousness and tapping into the flows of "cosmic energy".

Entering into interaction with energies of a higher order, a person without being aware of it becomes a carrier of those energies. Those energies gradually begin to reorganize the person's energy system.

Horovy hulky, Baguettes d'Horus, Wands of Horus, Horus-sauvoja, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Vignette depickting god, surrounded by Apopis. Gods of 12th KERERET in Duat.Part V.
As a result, on a genetic level mutational processes are initiated in the person that are accompanied by a transition of the person's energy system to the next evolutionary level.

This process that is impossible to control mentally by any kind of effort of will was a particular concern for the priests of ancient times.

The core of the matter is that the beginning of the transformation (mutation) processes that accompany the reorganization and formation of a new energy system will always pass through a phase of spontaneous cell division in the organism.

Medically this process is known as cancer.

To explain mechanism of this mutational transformation lets focus on one of the most important aspects of this process.

As soon as a person, whether through meditation or visiting «places of power» enters an energy flow, this immediately causes a slowing of their inner biological time. Human organism is very complicated mechanism, in which most important function belongs to local field of time.

Any disorder in the organism is the result of disruptions of the flows of time in a cell, organ or bodily system in relation to one another, to some general biological clock in the organism and the environment.

When an ancient source speaks of the need to harmonize the Yin-Yang or Ka-Ba (to use the Ancient Egyptian terms), the reference is to the harmonization of these two (contrary) flows of time and their synchronization with the fields of time of the Earth.

The effect will be accompanied by a general improvement of condition, increased energy levels, a heightening of extrasensory abilities, occasionally the appearance of clairvoyance or other exceptional skills.

If the person were to remain permanently in the flow, their abilities and longevity would amaze everyone around. But the problem is that as soon as the person comes out of meditation or leaves the place of power (gets out of the flow), it is only a matter of time before the immune system «recoils», a process marked by an abrupt acceleration of the biological time that for many can cause the appearance of atypical cells and the start of an oncological process.

That switches on the process of creation of new energy system by the way of suppression and structural reconstruction (rebuilding) of the former one.

Indicative in this context is a statistical analysis of the consequences of the influence on the organism of those energies with which a person interacts when practising as a healer.

The results of an analysis carried out by specialists from the Russian Academy of National Security proved astonishing.

Within 7 to 10 years of graduating from a school of healing, about 70% of diplomaed specialists actively and honestly engaged in healing practice died of oncological diseases.

Only in the autumn of 2005 the number of sick with oncological diseases in Viacheslav Bronnikov school, developing clairvoyance and actively promoted not only in Russia, but also all over the world, reached 11 persons among experts, whose teaching experience was about 10 years!

This applies not only to healers and psychics, but also to the ideological leaders of spiritual and esoteric schools. It was shocking to learn that such well known and acknowledged authorities as Sri Djuddu Krishnamurti, Romana Maharishi, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, Madame Blavatsky, Helena Roerich, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Vanga, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), Castaneda and many others also succumbed to cancer.

Ignorance of the Law evidently does not free human beings from the requirement to observe it, be they even Ra himself!

Against this background we begin to understand the origin of the inner blocking mechanism that appears in many people who take an interest in esoteric practices but move on in time, and also the outright negative attitude of the Orthodox Church to occult sciences, the cognition of supernatural forces, astral practices and working with subtle energies.

The roots of this non-acceptance lie in the ancient priestly warning that found reflection in one of the episodes of the Bible story.

Horovy hulky, Baguettes d'Horus, Wands of Horus, Horus-sauvoja, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
After Adam and Eve, at the prompting of the «serpent», tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge, God banished them from paradise, making them mortal.

We have already mentioned that in the ancient philosophical world view the voyage of «the gods in the boat of Ra» symbolized the process of cognition.

It follows that the process of gaining knowledge is good, but from the biblical account it emerges that nonetheless there is something not quite right about cognition, because God became angry.

Otherwise why were Adam and Eve permitted to eat the fruits of all the trees growing in the Garden of Eden except those of the Tree of Knowledge?

Our view of this at first sight ambiguous biblical episode is changed in the light of the warning left by the priests.

Moving without awareness along the path of knowledge brings harm not only from an ethical perspective.

Entry into the higher energy spheres during the exploration of occult sciences and to a large extent blind following of the paths of esotericism induces in a person something that if he or she is ignorant and unprepared will lead to death.

The appearance of a cancer is the reaction of a person's immune system to the inner energy reconstruction that arises from interaction with energies of a higher order. In this instance the immune system begins to manifest itself in an unexpected light.

Reacting to changes in a person's energy stock, the immune system launches a program directed towards self-destruction of the organism, if the genetic peculiarities of the energy bodies are not taken into account in the process of developing abilities.

This unavoidable finale (factor) lying in wait for all those who embark on the path of self-perfection is the essence of the priestly warning embodied in Apopis, a warning of the existence of a Law that needs to be considered when moving along the path of knowledge.

A dire outcome is inevitable unless a person knows of the Apopis factor (the Law) and possesses the technology to stabilize (control) the ongoing process.

The practices carried out in the temple complexes and pyramids were a central element in the programme of spiritual transformation for a priest or pharaoh and carried in them a mighty potential of energy.

The energy obtained during the practices evoked profound changes in a person's energy structure and had to be stabilized by being converted into an energy acceptable to the person's energy structure.

The transformation of the energy received took place at a very profound internal energy level in the process of synchronizing the individual's energy system with that of the mother organism, the Earth.

Horovy hulky, Baguettes d'Horus, Wands of Horus, Horus-sauvoja, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Papyrus NU Nu is driving away Apopis having Wand of Horus in his left hand
It was to tackle this exceptionally important task that the ancient priests used the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids.

The idea of creating the latter was suggested to them by a civilization at a higher level of development, undoubtedly of cosmic origin as the likelihood of earthlings discovering these mechanisms by empirical methods is extremely small.

This is the field which contains the main idea behind the construction of the pyramids and the use of the «Wands of Horus».

They were created to stabilize the energies with which a person interacted in order to avoid cancer (to subdue Apopis).

And all the therapeutic properties that the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramid have are an accompanying effect.

The priests of ancient times were fairly healthy people, and in creating and using the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids they were pursuing other, more important ends.

Horovy hulky, Baguettes d'Horus, Wands of Horus, Horus-sauvoja, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Book of Gates, second division (P)-third hour (H), scenes 9, 11, 13- gods in shrines, solar bark, Atum subduing Apopis
The function of the «Wands of Horus» goes far beyond the uses that have currently been mastered.

The fact that the Wands are the commonest attribute found in statues of the pharaohs and priests of Ancient Egypt is a direct indication that they were an item of the greatest possible significance.

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Statues of pharaohs holding «Wands of Horus»
Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Statues of pharaohs holding «Wands of Horus»
Anticipating a polemic on the material just presented, we reiterate that there is no other technology for tackling such a serious task.

No meditative, praying or energy-informational safety techniques can help here.

A fragment of the Book of the Earth, Part A, «A personification of the water (energy) clock»
It is important to note that stabilization of the energy potential with the aid of the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids evokes a slowing of auto-immune processes (by harmonization of contrary flows of time in organism [correction of BA-KA]).

In other words, before and after their practices Egyptian prists used special tools, to control the flow of inner biological time, to help immune system work as the one with immune system of the Earth.

As a result, systematic use of the «Wands of Horus» and the energy of the pyramids has a positive influence not only on health, but also on longevity.

Indirectly this is alluded to in the ancient texts which tell us that before the flood people lived for centuries, drawing health from "the source of the waters of life" that was the pyramids and the bio-stimulator we know as the «Wands of Horus».

Hence the «Wands of Horus» and the pyramids can be used as a prophylactic measure, a means of protecting against cancer.

In another words, those who is using wands on systematic bases, taking in account all details will never get cancer.

Practical scientific experiments have confirmed this deduction. When a cancer sufferer remained within a pyramid field (the inner field) for twelve days on end, a noticeable retardation of the disease process, an improvement in general condition and significant reduction in tumour surface formations was observed.

A retardation of auto-immune processes can also be observed following systematic use of the «Wands of Horus». (See the section on Some Results of Research into the Effects of the «Wands of Horus» and the section on Cancer in the instructions for the use of the «Wands of Horus».)

The conclusions drawn from the analysis of texts and images are obvious and call into doubt the reputation of the schools of «cosmoenergetics» and other trends throughout the world that do not recognize the danger that has entered the lives not only of the «adepts» of the doctrines listed above, but also the lives of those they instruct, people who have no idea of the ancient warning and not a thought for the threat hanging over them.

That is the reason why the «Wands of Horus» and the energy of the pyramids were an inseparable part of life for priests and pharaohs, who were never parted from them.

They used them to correct the consequences of sun storms and magnetic storms, stabilize energy processes and synchronize their own energy systems with that of the Earth.

With these tools the priests could pass through the «boundary of death» and develop exceptional abilities without damaging their health.

Following the advice of the priests, those now working with subtle energies should immediately begin to use the proper tools («Wands of Horus» and pyramids) to stabilize their energy potential.

This will not only allow them to avert the onset of undesirable consequences, but also to raise the results of their practical and meditative activities to a higher level.

Having read the warning left us by the priests of Ancient Egypt, the specialists of the Academy for the National Security of Russia consider it vital to pass on that knowledge to the broad masses of interested people.

Despite the fact that an extremely important natural phenomenon has been identified, about which our distant ancestors warned us across the ages, we anticipate that some people's reaction will be aggressive disagreement.

Well, having warned our readers who are on the path of self-discovery about the consequences of practices that do not take into account the peculiarities of the human energy system, we uphold the right of those who dispute our reasoning to experience the Apopis factor for themselves.

From the moment they read this material the responsibility for ignoring the warning rest squarely with them.

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Humanity has always suffered from an inclination to simplify what is actually evolving into something more complex, thus increasing the gulf between reality and what people think of it.

Pursuing this course, humanity has reached that extreme degree of absurdity where highly important and complex spiritual ideas and practices have been replaced by, for example, "the great mantra for liberating the mind: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama,…"

That way is easier — no need to study the laws of nature and, through analyzing them to seek serious courses.

Just picture what life-forms millions of years ago that were born and lived in the ocean had to go through so as one day to come out onto the land and form a new evolutionary branch.

Human beings, on the other hand, out of spiritual laziness, are constantly seeking easy paths along which they will always find those ready to exploit that weakness.

Nonetheless, people are generally well-disposed to others and willingly accept those who spot this helplessness and offer simple solutions.

Some "teachers" from extreme despair proclaim a mantra in the hope that through saying or chanting it humanity will at least be doing something to further the harmonization of its inner state, connecting itself with god.

Others exploit the prevailing situation to their own personal ends.

For a long time it seemed that the extreme level of spiritual degradation had been reached, but evidently not.

The new "teachers" who succeeded the old ones have gone even further.

Making their own contribution to intensifying the process of degradation, today's "gurus" are offering an even simpler means to "spiritual perfection" and the solution to all problems.

Now one no longer needs to burden oneself with chanting or even whispering. It is enough to use Igor Serov's amorphous matrices as produced by the company MATRIX or Vergun's applicators to correct problems with one's body, one's soul and even one's car.

Place the matrix applicators on whatever you think needs harmonizing and, according to the new "doctrine", the world will begin to improve itself, returning to the paradise that was Eden.

Humanity has always suffered from an inclination to simplify what is actually evolving into something more complex, thus increasing the gulf between reality and what people think of it.

Pursuing this course, humanity has reached that extreme degree of absurdity where highly important and complex spiritual ideas and practices have been replaced by, for example, "the great mantra for liberating the mind: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama,…"

That way is easier — no need to study the laws of nature and, through analyzing them to seek serious courses.

Just picture what life-forms millions of years ago that were born and lived in the ocean had to go through so as one day to come out onto the land and form a new evolutionary branch.

Human beings, on the other hand, out of spiritual laziness, are constantly seeking easy paths along which they will always find those ready to exploit that weakness.

Nonetheless, people are generally well-disposed to others and willingly accept those who spot this helplessness and offer simple solutions.

Some "teachers" from extreme despair proclaim a mantra in the hope that through saying or chanting it humanity will at least be doing something to further the harmonization of its inner state, connecting itself with god.

Others exploit the prevailing situation to their own personal ends.

For a long time it seemed that the extreme level of spiritual degradation had been reached, but evidently not.

The new "teachers" who succeeded the old ones have gone even further.

Making their own contribution to intensifying the process of degradation, today's "gurus" are offering an even simpler means to "spiritual perfection" and the solution to all problems.

Now one no longer needs to burden oneself with chanting or even whispering. It is enough to use Igor Serov's amorphous matrices as produced by the company MATRIX or Vergun's applicators to correct problems with one's body, one's soul and even one's car.

Place the matrix applicators on whatever you think needs harmonizing and, according to the new "doctrine", the world will begin to improve itself, returning to the paradise that was Eden.

Chapter 17 of The Chapters of Coming Out by Day is one of the most important and valuable, since it conveys the essence of the teaching that the blessed spirit of the deceased needs to know.

Like many other parts of the book, this chapter was written by the priests of ON (Annu) and so reflects their views on the nature of the gods.

The title of the chapter makes it clear that the knowledge expounded therein was very useful for a human being in earthly life as well. The text begins like this:

"I am the ascending god Tem. I am the Sole God. I acquired life in Nun. I am Ra who appeared at the beginning of beginnings, ruler of what I have created."

Chapter 17 of The Chapters of Coming Out by Day is one of the most important and valuable, since it conveys the essence of the teaching that the blessed spirit of the deceased needs to know.

Like many other parts of the book, this chapter was written by the priests of ON (Annu) and so reflects their views on the nature of the gods.

The title of the chapter makes it clear that the knowledge expounded therein was very useful for a human being in earthly life as well. The text begins like this:

"I am the ascending god Tem. I am the Sole God. I acquired life in Nun. I am Ra who appeared at the beginning of beginnings, ruler of what I have created."

After completing a qualitative transition billions of years ago, the Creator entered a new state. In essence, the Creator was reborn in a new quality, on a new, even higher level.

Just as a human being born in a new incarnation, in a new body, in a new time and space, needs to rediscover himself and the world around him of which he is part, the Creator too, after acquiring absolutely new qualities and becoming something else, began a process of discovery of Himself and of nature in the bosom of which He exists.

Through human beings (his projections) the Creator observes and learns about the world, advancing on the path of self-knowledge and self-perfection.

Here are a few traces of that ancient knowledge that found reflection in the Ancient Egyptian myth of the creation:

"Ra, or Ra-Tem, rose from the Nunu (the primaeval waters of hidden Entity) and began sailing on the Boat of Millions of Years." ("Sailing" means the beginning of movement in the universe (finding out about himself).

Movement presupposes that the events take place in space and time, in other words are accessible to the senses.

The universe begins to exist as a mass of moving beings (projections). That movement was preceded by the original state of being without any sort of form outside of time and space.

"After appearing Ra created everything that arose from his being and he was inside of his creation as in his body."

Having created the universe out of himself, the Supreme Being, directed his Eye (mind) into that which had been created.

Then the mind "became lost" in creation and turned into the souls of human beings and all forms of life, having forgotten about its true identity.

The Eye lost in creation is the human soul caught up in the cycle of reincarnations ("birth–death–birth") as a result of loss of memory and distraction (ignorance of its true nature).

The Supreme Being (Ra) despatched the messenger of wisdom (Thoth) in the forms of Metu Nether (the ancient doctrine of wisdom) and Sbai (spiritual mentors — gurus) to inform the Eye of its true nature. "Remembering" what it really is, the Eye returns to its fitting place...

After completing a qualitative transition billions of years ago, the Creator entered a new state.

In essence, the Creator was reborn in a new quality, on a new, even higher level. Just as a human being born in a new incarnation, in a new body, in a new time and space, needs to rediscover himself and the world around him of which he is part, the Creator too, after acquiring absolutely new qualities and becoming something else, began a process of discovery of Himself and of nature in the bosom of which He exists.

Through human beings (his projections) the Creator observes and learns about the world, advancing on the path of self-knowledge and self-perfection.

Here are a few traces of that ancient knowledge that found reflection in the Ancient Egyptian myth of the creation:

"Ra, or Ra-Tem, rose from the Nunu (the primaeval waters of hidden Entity) and began sailing on the Boat of Millions of Years." ("Sailing" means the beginning of movement in the universe (finding out about himself).

Movement presupposes that the events take place in space and time, in other words are accessible to the senses.

The universe begins to exist as a mass of moving beings (projections). That movement was preceded by the original state of being without any sort of form outside of time and space.

"After appearing Ra created everything that arose from his being and he was inside of his creation as in his body."

Having created the universe out of himself, the Supreme Being, directed his Eye (mind) into that which had been created.

Then the mind "became lost" in creation and turned into the souls of human beings and all forms of life, having forgotten about its true identity.

The Eye lost in creation is the human soul caught up in the cycle of reincarnations ("birth–death–birth") as a result of loss of memory and distraction (ignorance of its true nature).

The Supreme Being (Ra) despatched the messenger of wisdom (Thoth) in the forms of Metu Nether (the ancient doctrine of wisdom) and Sbai (spiritual mentors — gurus) to inform the Eye of its true nature.

"Remembering" what it really is, the Eye returns to its fitting place...

The Chapters of Coming Out by Day contain direct indications that the serpent Apopis is an envoy of the Law.

Here is one such passage (an extract from Chapter XVII from the Nebseni papyrus (British Museum No 9900):

"Chapters on the possibility of entering and leaving the Duat, ascents to the light in any chosen guises, spending time in the hall and ascension in the form of a living soul.

"As for the "night of settlement and destruction" that is the night of the burning of the damned, the execution of sinners and the slaying of souls. Who is this? It is Apopis when he rises up and one of his heads is crowned with Ma'at [i.e. right and truth]."

Wands of Horus, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Apopis, the Book of the Gate, detail of a mural from the tomb of Seti I in the Valley of the Kings
Horovy hulky, Baguettes d'Horus, Wands of Horus, Horus-sauvoja, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Fragment of papyrus from Amon-Ra tample, Thebes
The Chapters of Coming Out by Day contain direct indications that the serpent Apopis is an envoy of the Law.

Here is one such passage (an extract from Chapter XVII from the Nebseni papyrus (British Museum No 9900):

"Chapters on the possibility of entering and leaving the Duat, ascents to the light in any chosen guises, spending time in the hall and ascension in the form of a living soul.

"As for the "night of settlement and destruction" that is the night of the burning of the damned, the execution of sinners and the slaying of souls.

Who is this? It is Apopis when he rises up and one of his heads is crowned with Ma'at [i.e. right and truth]."

Horovy hulky, Baguettes d'Horus, Wands of Horus, Horus-sauvoja, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Apopis, the Book of the Gate, detail of a mural from the tomb of Seti I in the Valley of the Kings
Baguettes d'Horus, Wands of Horus, Horus-sauvoja, Rods of Horus, Horus rods, Wands of Ra, Rods of Ra, Egyptian rods
Fragment of papyrus from Amon-Ra tample, Thebes

The Iuau Papyrus found at Thebes by Theodore M. Davis contains a variant version of the chapter which gives the names of the "worms" and a vignette containing their depictions. It is notable that they are nine in number, the same as the quantity of energy bodies in the human being and the Universe (according to the KABALAON).

Here are the names:
The Iuau Papyrus found at Thebes by Theodore M. Davis contains a variant version of the chapter which gives the names of the "worms" and a vignette containing their depictions. It is notable that they are nine in number, the same as the quantity of energy bodies in the human being and the Universe (according to the KABALAON).

Here are the names:
The last character in each name is the symbol indicating a "worm" (snake).

That prompts the thought that each of the energy bodies of the human being (Universe) is the side of the "Boat of Ra" next to which is one of the serpents that is one of the nine hypostases of Apopis, swimming beside the nine-dimensional essence of the "Boat of Ra".

The last character in each name is the symbol indicating a "worm" (snake).

That prompts the thought that each of the energy bodies of the human being (Universe) is the side of the "Boat of Ra" next to which is one of the serpents that is one of the nine hypostases of Apopis, swimming beside the nine-dimensional essence of the "Boat of Ra".

Detail of a mural from the tomb of Ramses II in the Valley of the Kings
Detail of a mural from the tomb of Ramses II in the Valley of the Kings
The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day contain texts referring to the possibility of the Sakhu (spiritual body) consisting of a number of souls (bodies), its mind and its life energy, entering the Duat.

In late versions of the chapter, the meaning of these texts that once had practical relevance is reduced to banal incantations addressed to the denizen of the Sacred Mountain requesting that the deceased be delivered from harm with which people associated the "serpents dwelling in Ra-stau".

In other words practical actions were replaced by incantations.

The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day contain texts referring to the possibility of the Sakhu (spiritual body) consisting of a number of souls (bodies), its mind and its life energy, entering the Duat.

In late versions of the chapter, the meaning of these texts that once had practical relevance is reduced to banal incantations addressed to the denizen of the Sacred Mountain requesting that the deceased be delivered from harm with which people associated the "serpents dwelling in Ra-stau".

In other words practical actions were replaced by incantations.

The nine "gods" symbolize the nine energy bodies of the Creator. In depicting the "gods" in the body of a human being, the ancients had no intention of saying that the "gods" were beings with human form. The depiction of bodies is used only to explain that the reference is to something that relates to human beings, to their physical shell and energy bodies.

In the work known as The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day there are texts that retain traces of the "KA-BA-LA-ON" doctrine. In them a human being identifies himself with the Spirit of Ra, a spirit that is God or the Deity. It follows from the text that the basis (structure) of the human being is identical to the inner basis of the gods.

The Hymn in honour of Ra on the papyrus of Kenna (Leyden) contains these words:

"I greet thee, o [Ra], you who rise into the Nu and who in his embodiment illuminates the world with light… O, Thou beautiful and beloved child — Man."

In Chapter 56 of the Papyrus of Nun (British Museum, No 10477, f. 9) we find:

"I am the divine Spirit of Ra, appearing from the Nun; t divine spirit that is God himself. I am the first-born god of primaeval material. The Divine Spirit, the equal of the Spirits of the immortal gods, and my body itself is eternity.

Chapter 147 of the Papyrus of Ani (British Museum, No 10470, f. 12) says the following:

"Truly I say, o Osiris, I am the spiritual body [sakh] of a god…"

In many hymns we can find these words:

«your covering is before my gaze; may all his body resemble the body of a god. You created a covering for me; I created for you a covering, the divine soul.»

Hermetic texts [27] present an astonishing picture of "seven heavens", seven circles or seven Rulers (the seven energy bodies of the Universe and the human being, as planes of existence and at the same time containing the matrices of the seven centres of the human endocrine system).

The nine "gods" symbolize the nine energy bodies of the Creator. In depicting the "gods" in the body of a human being, the ancients had no intention of saying that the "gods" were beings with human form.

The depiction of bodies is used only to explain that the reference is to something that relates to human beings, to their physical shell and energy bodies.

In the work known as The Chapters of Coming Forth by Day there are texts that retain traces of the "KA-BA-LA-ON" doctrine. In them a human being identifies himself with the Spirit of Ra, a spirit that is God or the Deity.

It follows from the text that the basis (structure) of the human being is identical to the inner basis of the gods.

The Hymn in honour of Ra on the papyrus of Kenna (Leyden) contains these words:

"I greet thee, o [Ra], you who rise into the Nu and who in his embodiment illuminates the world with light… O, Thou beautiful and beloved child — Man."

In Chapter 56 of the Papyrus of Nun (British Museum, No 10477, f. 9) we find:

"I am the divine Spirit of Ra, appearing from the Nun; t divine spirit that is God himself. I am the first-born god of primaeval material. The Divine Spirit, the equal of the Spirits of the immortal gods, and my body itself is eternity".

Chapter 147 of the Papyrus of Ani (British Museum, No 10470, f. 12) says the following:

"Truly I say, o Osiris, I am the spiritual body [sakh] of a god…"

In many hymns we can find these words:

«your covering is before my gaze; may all his body resemble the body of a god. You created a covering for me; I created for you a covering, the divine soul.»

Hermetic texts present an astonishing picture of "seven heavens", seven circles or seven Rulers (the seven energy bodies of the Universe and the human being, as planes of existence and at the same time containing the matrices of the seven centres of the human endocrine system).

"And this ruler of the world (ON) and of beings mortal and silent through the universal connections and the strong structure of circles showed to Nature below the beautiful image of God. Before this wondrous beauty, where all the energies of the "seven Rulers" were united in the form of God…

Hermes: Did you not learn in the "General Principles" that all the spirits that spread through all parts of the world come from the Single Soul, the Soul of the Universe?

"And this ruler of the world (ON) and of beings mortal and silent through the universal connections and the strong structure of circles showed to Nature below the beautiful image of God. Before this wondrous beauty, where all the energies of the "seven Rulers" were united in the form of God…

Hermes: Did you not learn in the "General Principles" that all the spirits that spread through all parts of the world come from the Single Soul, the Soul of the Universe?

We shall examine one of the most important nuances connected with the mechanism of this process.

A key role in the vital functions of an organism (the internal biological clock) is played by the factor of internal time.

In all treatises on Oriental medicine you will find it stated that any disorder in the organism begins with an imbalance of the two fundamental flows of energies Yin and Yang or BA and KA.

In principle that is correct, but it fails to address the most important thing that determines the choice and effectiveness of the methods used to correct that disorder.

The main thing is that each of the flows has a temporal aspect.

When the Ancient Egyptian or Oriental traditions speak of the need to harmonise the KA-BA or Yin-Yang, the true, deep meaning of this idea relates to the synchronisation (harmonisation) of tempos in these two all-determining flows within the human energy system.

Any disruption in the organism is accompanied by dysfunctional changes in the movement of time in the organs or systems when compared to some master tempo of the organism and the environment (the person's biorhythms and the planetary cycles).

Such a change expresses itself, for example, in the accelerated course of a negative process and what is known to medicine as the auto-immune process.

A person has only to use meditation or a visit to a "place of power" to enter into an energy flow that leads to a slowing of internal time.

The effect will be accompanied by an increase in the energy of the organism, a general improvement in condition and a heightening of psychic abilities, sometimes producing clairvoyance or other unusual abilities.

But in a short time after the person stops meditating or leaves the place of power (goes out of the flow), the immune system gives a "kickback" marked by a rapid acceleration in the course of internal time that leads to the appearance of atypical cells and the start of an oncological process!

We shall examine one of the most important nuances connected with the mechanism of this process.

A key role in the vital functions of an organism (the internal biological clock) is played by the factor of internal time. In all treatises on Oriental medicine you will find it stated that any disorder in the organism begins with an imbalance of the two fundamental flows of energies Yin and Yang or BA and KA. In principle that is correct, but it fails to address the most important thing that determines the choice and effectiveness of the methods used to correct that disorder. The main thing is that each of the flows has a temporal aspect.

When the Ancient Egyptian or Oriental traditions speak of the need to harmonise the KA-BA or Yin-Yang, the true, deep meaning of this idea relates to the synchronisation (harmonisation) of tempos in these two all-determining flows within the human energy system.

Any disruption in the organism is accompanied by dysfunctional changes in the movement of time in the organs or systems when compared to some master tempo of the organism and the environment (the person's biorhythms and the planetary cycles). Such a change expresses itself, for example, in the accelerated course of a negative process and what is known to medicine as the auto-immune process.

A person has only to use meditation or a visit to a "place of power" to enter into an energy flow that leads to a slowing of internal time. The effect will be accompanied by an increase in the energy of the organism, a general improvement in condition and a heightening of psychic abilities, sometimes producing clairvoyance or other unusual abilities. But in a short time after the person stops meditating or leaves the place of power (goes out of the flow), the immune system gives a "kickback" marked by a rapid acceleration in the course of internal time that leads to the appearance of atypical cells and the start of an oncological process!

The capacity of a pyramid field to have a regenerative effect on dead tissues was indicated by the experiments of the cabbalist Enela, whose real name was Mikhail Vladimirovich Sariatin (1883–1963). He was one of the first to conduct researches in Egypt and came to the conclusion that the pyramid heals tissues damaged by cancer.

The capacity of a pyramid field to have a regenerative effect on dead tissues was indicated by the experiments of the cabbalist Enela, whose real name was Mikhail Vladimirovich Sariatin (1883–1963). He was one of the first to conduct researches in Egypt and came to the conclusion that the pyramid heals tissues damaged by cancer.

Reading this material many are unwilling or unable to overcome their own ego and admit their mistakes.

Practically 99% of all "clairvoyants" whose advice is so readily and blindly followed by thousands of people in reality rely on information of dubious origin.

Without recognizing what is taking place, "clairvoyants" interact whole-heartedly with Seth, interaction with whom always leads a human being to death!

For this very reason the "cosmic teachers" of our acknowledged teachers (Helena Roerich, Madame Blavatsky, Osho and others) never bothered to warn their pupils of the most important thing — the mortal danger lying in wait for them!

Where then is the great cosmic love and goodness that "clairvoyants" and "prophets" around the world ecstatically proclaim?

Aggressive disagreement with what has just been stated will be due to difficulty in understanding and acknowledging that while believing themselves members of an elect these people were actually dancing with the Father of Lies (Seth), deceived and unprotected.

It is no coincidence that in most ancient times the god Seth was depicted with the head of an ass, and later was a symbol of misfortune for the farmers of the Nile delta.

The successes that "clairvoyants" declare in diagnosing and treating illness, truth-like divination and forecasts that persuade the unenlightened that their "guru" communicates with a "divine teacher" in reality fall within the bounds of the understanding that the astral plane (Seth) is our second energy body and so he knows all about us.

A few words about the gift of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance, like the ability to communicate telepathically is something inherent in a person's genes.

The discovery and development of this capability in people in the future will be bound up primarily with the harmonious (and not one-sided) development of civilization and energy capabilities taking into account the very important factors described above and things of which humanity is not yet aware.

Profound medical studies have shown that in the overwhelming majority of "clairvoyants" the manifestation of this ability is connected with a local inflammation of the brain.

This is precisely the factor responsible in ordinary circumstances for the spontaneous appearance of the gift of clairvoyance, automatic writing, voices inside the head and so on. In the main this anomaly is the result of an injury, heavy stress, sometimes due to hereditary predisposition and is intensified by entering a dense energy environment — a church, for example.

Daily services with thousands of people participating over a long period of time create a fairly powerful energy flow in places of worship. If a person with a mild local inflammation of the brain enters a church as an energy-filled place, the energy imbalance (excess) in the inflamed region is made worse by the powerful energy flow in the locality.

As a rule this is accompanied by a mild, and at times serious psychological disorder.

The sufferer falls on the floor, begins to writhe about and shout, producing strange inhuman sounds.

To the observer it may seem that the person has been "possessed by the Devil". In which case the priest begins to drive out the evil spirit with prayer.

The power and sense of prayer lies in the fact that in addressing God and pronouncing the prayer in a particular rhythm the priest creates an energy flow of a particular frequency, partially redressing the imbalance in the biological rhythm of the inflamed region of the brain.

This has a beneficial effect and as a result the person gradually comes to their senses. This is a demonstration of the power of prayer, on the one hand, and an indication, on the other, that the Christian tradition has preserved knowledge of methods of restoring biorhythms through rhythmically pronounced prayers.

Lastly… Modern medicine considers cancer a systemic disorder. Viewing cancer as an anomalous process, medicine is justified in calling it a disease, although in our view that is not quite correct.

Cancer is one of the phases of the genetic program recorded in the DNA of each of us.

Lacking a conception of the real processes taking place during the formation of a new energy system associated with oncological disorders, some healers self-confidently assert that they are able to fight the disease and supposedly can point to successes.

As in reality the number of cases of stabilization of the disease process by healers is so infinitesimally small as to make it impossible to assess even one instance from a scientific point of view, we should stress the following.

There are several reasons behind the appearance of cancer. Mainly they are nervous stresses, the effect of radiation and injuries.

If a cancer is due to one of those causes, treatment may bring a positive result.
It is not recommended for cancer sufferers to resort to the help of psychic healers.

The overwhelming majority of such healers do not picture the real processes behind what they do and do not understand the mechanism of what occurs.

In their work psychics give a person energy that becomes an active participant in the process of forming new energy systems. In other words, the psychic is "pouring oil on the fire".

If, on the other hand, a cancer is due to a genetic slip-up (the spontaneous launch of a genetic program) or the effect of the turning on of a genetic program in connection with the transition of the energy system to another, higher energy level, treatment using extrasensory methods, bio-informational programming or the means available to present-day medicine will not produce a positive result. Such a sufferer is doomed.

There is only one small chance that can be taken using a large-size pyramid and the magneto-therapy method which may just destabilize the formation of anew energy system.
Reading this material many are unwilling or unable to overcome their own ego and admit their mistakes.

Practically 99% of all "clairvoyants" whose advice is so readily and blindly followed by thousands of people in reality rely on information of dubious origin.

Without recognizing what is taking place, "clairvoyants" interact whole-heartedly with Seth, interaction with whom always leads a human being to death!

For this very reason the "cosmic teachers" of our acknowledged teachers (Helena Roerich, Madame Blavatsky, Osho and others) never bothered to warn their pupils of the most important thing — the mortal danger lying in wait for them!

Where then is the great cosmic love and goodness that "clairvoyants" and "prophets" around the world ecstatically proclaim?

Aggressive disagreement with what has just been stated will be due to difficulty in understanding and acknowledging that while believing themselves members of an elect these people were actually dancing with the Father of Lies (Seth), deceived and unprotected.

It is no coincidence that in most ancient times the god Seth was depicted with the head of an ass, and later was a symbol of misfortune for the farmers of the Nile delta.

The successes that "clairvoyants" declare in diagnosing and treating illness, truth-like divination and forecasts that persuade the unenlightened that their "guru" communicates with a "divine teacher" in reality fall within the bounds of the understanding that the astral plane (Seth) is our second energy body and so he knows all about us.

A few words about the gift of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance, like the ability to communicate telepathically is something inherent in a person's genes.

The discovery and development of this capability in people in the future will be bound up primarily with the harmonious (and not one-sided) development of civilization and energy capabilities taking into account the very important factors described above and things of which humanity is not yet aware.

Profound medical studies have shown that in the overwhelming majority of "clairvoyants" the manifestation of this ability is connected with a local inflammation of the brain.

This is precisely the factor responsible in ordinary circumstances for the spontaneous appearance of the gift of clairvoyance, automatic writing, voices inside the head and so on.

In the main this anomaly is the result of an injury, heavy stress, sometimes due to hereditary predisposition and is intensified by entering a dense energy environment — a church, for example.

Daily services with thousands of people participating over a long period of time create a fairly powerful energy flow in places of worship.

If a person with a mild local inflammation of the brain enters a church as an energy-filled place, the energy imbalance (excess) in the inflamed region is made worse by the powerful energy flow in the locality.

As a rule this is accompanied by a mild, and at times serious psychological disorder.

The sufferer falls on the floor, begins to writhe about and shout, producing strange inhuman sounds.

To the observer it may seem that the person has been "possessed by the Devil". In which case the priest begins to drive out the evil spirit with prayer.

The power and sense of prayer lies in the fact that in addressing God and pronouncing the prayer in a particular rhythm the priest creates an energy flow of a particular frequency, partially redressing the imbalance in the biological rhythm of the inflamed region of the brain.

This has a beneficial effect and as a result the person gradually comes to their senses. This is a demonstration of the power of prayer, on the one hand, and an indication, on the other, that the Christian tradition has preserved knowledge of methods of restoring biorhythms through rhythmically pronounced prayers.

Lastly… Modern medicine considers cancer a systemic disorder.

Viewing cancer as an anomalous process, medicine is justified in calling it a disease, although in our view that is not quite correct.

Cancer is one of the phases of the genetic program recorded in the DNA of each of us.

Lacking a conception of the real processes taking place during the formation of a new energy system associated with oncological disorders, some healers self-confidently assert that they are able to fight the disease and supposedly can point to successes.

As in reality the number of cases of stabilization of the disease process by healers is so infinitesimally small as to make it impossible to assess even one instance from a scientific point of view, we should stress the following.

There are several reasons behind the appearance of cancer. Mainly they are nervous stresses, the effect of radiation and injuries.

If a cancer is due to one of those causes, treatment may bring a positive result.

It is not recommended for cancer sufferers to resort to the help of psychic healers.

The overwhelming majority of such healers do not picture the real processes behind what they do and do not understand the mechanism of what occurs.

In their work psychics give a person energy that becomes an active participant in the process of forming new energy systems. In other words, the psychic is "pouring oil on the fire".

If, on the other hand, a cancer is due to a genetic slip-up (the spontaneous launch of a genetic program) or the effect of the turning on of a genetic program in connection with the transition of the energy system to another, higher energy level, treatment using extrasensory methods, bio-informational programming or the means available to present-day medicine will not produce a positive result.

Such a sufferer is doomed. There is only one small chance that can be taken using a large-size pyramid and the magneto-therapy method which may just destabilize the formation of anew energy system.